Gusi Gigi Bungsu Bengkak, Ini yang Harus Dilakukan

Gusi Gigi Bungsu Bengkak, Ini yang Harus Dilakukan
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The youngest teeth are teeth that grow the last when you reach adulthood. Usually the youngest teeth grow at the age of 17-25 years. When there is not enough room for the teeth to come out in the right position, this condition can cause the gum to swell or what is known as pericronitis. 


What Is Pericronitis?

As the name suggests, the youngest teeth are the last teeth to grow in adults. The youngest teeth are also referred to as the third tooth and are located in the back of the mouth. In some people, the youngest teeth can grow normally and perfectly. But many also experience youngest teeth growing abnormally or so-called impaksi.

The youngest teeth that did not grow perfectly caused health problems such as infection, cavities, gum disease, and swollen gums around the youngest teeth. This condition is known as pericronitis. Pericronitis is a dental and oral problem commonly experienced by adults, especially when the youngest teeth first grow. 

Also read: Beware, These Foods And Drinks Can Damage Your Teeth


Causes of Pericronitis

Pericronitis is mainly caused by partial dental impaction, namely that the condition of the youngest teeth does not grow perfectly. When the teeth are partially trapped in the gums, this will trigger a buildup of bacteria that can cause swelling and inflammation.

Apart from being caused by the growth of the youngest teeth, the swelling of the gums around the youngest teeth can also be caused by other factors such as:

  • In his 20s
  • Having youngest teeth that are not fully grown
  • Stress
  • Have an excess gum tissue
  • Being pregnant
  • Bad oral hygiene

Pericronitis itself is actually not contagious, but bacteria that cause infection can be transmitted through saliva. You can transmit bacterial infections by kissing or using food utensils alternately with pericronitis. 


Symptoms Of Pericronitis

Pericoronitis can be acute or chronic. Some of the symptoms of acute pericronitis include:

  • Fever
  • Great pain around the back teeth
  • Gums of swelling and redness 
  • Get out the pus in the gums
  • Pain when swallowing
  • The jaw is locked
  • The face is swollen
  • The swelling of lymph nodes in the neck

As for the chronic symptoms of pericronitis, among them:

  • Temporary mild pain near the back of the tooth
  • Oral (halitosis)
  • Your tongue tastes bad

Also read: Conditions That Cause You Must Postpone Your Teeth


The Handling Of Pericronitis

The handling of pericronitis can vary with each patient, depending on the severity of inflammation experienced. Some of the pericronistic treatment that can be done at home include:

  • Attaching an ice compress or cold water directly to the swollen face area
  • Smoked ice cubes
  • Avoid things that can irritate gums, such as alcohol and tobacco

As for pericronitis medical treatment, it can include:

  • Dental cleansing is carried out to remove food particles, bacteria, or other dirt
  • The administration of drugs such as antibiotics or antibacterial mouthwashing drugs
  • Operations for removing the gums that have an infection 
  • The youngest tooth revocation operation


Pericronitis recovery can vary, from few days to weeks. Proper treatment can prevent more severe infections, and vice versa, inappropriate treatment can lead to the risk of re-emerging of infections or swelling. 

If you experience symptoms of swollen gums due to the youngest teeth, you should check with a dentist or take advantage of the consultation feature on the Ai Care application which can be downloaded through App Store and Play Store. 


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Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Kamis, 22 Agustus 2024 | 04:40